Start Saying
'No' and
Live More Authentically

Do you often say 'yes' when you want to say 'no'?

In this episode, I discuss how the transformative power of saying ‘no’ is an act of self-love and healing. This episode uncovers the toll that chronic self-abandonment takes on our mental, emotional, and physical health.

I also discuss how saying ‘no’ is important for living authentically, developing unconditional self-love, and maintaining healthy boundaries. 

I’ll explore where difficulty saying ‘no’ comes from and how inner child wounds and societal programming can hinder your ability to prioritize yourself and your needs.

Learn actionable advice to love yourself more and boundary-enforcing phrases to navigate situations as your authentic and empowered self. Tune in to gain insights into how you can start utilizing the power of ‘no’ and create a life that honors your authenticity without guilt or self-sacrifice.

What We Explore

✭ Self-abandonment
✭ Your authentic self
✭ Unconditional self-love
✭ Codependency
✭ Inner child healing
✭ Boundaries
✭ Trauma responses


1:45 -Why saying yes leads to self-abandonment
3:12- Reconnecting with your authentic self
5:25- The importance of unconditional self-love
7:10- Codependency and inner child wounds
9:37- Boundaries and self-love
11:50 – Radical self-honesty
14:15 – How to stop feeling guilty about saying ‘no’
16:40 – Overcoming fear of rejection and judgment
19:05 – Learning to pause and respond instead of react
22:18 – Boundaries and healthier relationships

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