Why Loving Yourself Is the Key to Healthier Relationships

Self-love is mirrored in outer love.

Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled in your relationships? Are you stuck in the same unhealthy patterns? In this episode, I explain why you can’t truly love someone else without fully loving yourself first.

We’ll explore codependency, attachment wounds, and the transformative power of unconditional self-love and its profound impact on your relationships.

You’ll learn how to stop seeking validation from other people and how to start creating healthier, more aligned connections that truly serve your highest good.

I also share my experience with codependency and insecure attachment, revealing how childhood and intergenerational trauma impact the way we love and what we believe love is.

If you want to foster healthier relationships and stop settling, people-pleasing, and abandoning yourself for other people, this episode is for you. Tune in to discover how prioritizing a healthy relationship with yourself can help you resolve your traumas, achieve personal empowerment, and pave the way for more aligned and fulfilling connections.

What We Explore

✭ The importance of unconditional self-love in relationships
✭ Codependency and insecure attachment
✭ Societal conditioning
✭ Strategies for transforming unhealthy relationship patterns
✭ Steps to cultivate more self-love
✭ Defining healthy relationships


2:45 – Why self-love is the foundation of healthy relationships
6:30 – Codependency and insecure attachment styles
11:10 – The influence of societal conditioning on self-worth
16:05 – Identifying and transforming unhealthy relationship patterns
20:45 – Steps to cultivate unconditional self-love
25:20 – How self-love creates healthier and more aligned connections
35:00 – Why self-love helps you attract aligned people

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